Σύνδεση σπουδαστών
Ελληνικά English

Τί λένε για εμάς οι καθηγητές μας

Δρ. Αλεξανδράτου Τζίνα

(BA in Philosophy - Psychology - Pedagogics (University of Athens),ΜΕd. in Educational Psychology (University of Manchester),PhD in Psychology (UCL, Univ. of London))

Δρ. Παπαδόπουλος Ανάργυρος

(ΒΑ Political Sciences & Public Administration (University of Athens), MA Political Sciences (University of Thessaloniki), MA International Studies (Kent State University of Massachusetts), PhD International Studies (University of Thessaloniki))

Γεωργικόπουλος Κωνσταντίνος

(BA in Economics (AUEB) MBA in Marketing (PACE University of New York))

Βουτσαδάκη Ελιάνα

Degree in Architecture RIBA 1 (Greenwich University), RIBA 2 (Southbank University), Professional Studies in Architecture RIBA 3 (University of westminster)

Γιαννάτος Σπύρος

BEng in Mechanical Engineering (University of Wales - College of Cardiff), MSc in Energy and Environmental Management (University of Glamorgan), MSc in Computers and Statistical sciences (University of Portsmouth), MBA

Degree in Architecture RIBA 1 (Greenwich University), RIBA 2 (Southbank University) - See more at: http://www.ellinovretaniko.gr/el/static/teaching-staff-el.aspx#sthash.p88SZmYu.dpuf
Degree in Architecture RIBA 1 (Greenwich University) - See more at: http://www.ellinovretaniko.gr/el/static/teaching-staff-el.aspx#sthash.p88SZmYu.dpuf