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"Ariston Learning Styles" Test

“Ariston Learning Styles” Test

-          Brain hemispheres

-          Learning types

-          Learning capabilities – skills

British Hellenic College offers the “Ariston Learning Styles” test.

This test helps young people to discover which brain hemisphere they use – the right, the left or both.

The left hemisphere represents logic, scientific thinking, methodology, conscious thinking, and rules. The right hemisphere is related with fantasy, arts, intuition and practical intelligence.

By discovering the percentage by which a person uses their left or right brain hemisphere they can get to know themselves, discover their inclinations and talents, come to realize the field of studies in which they could progress and which profession suits them best.

The test also detects students’ learning capabilities, the difficulties they face and the best learning type for their personality.

The test detects young people’s learning types and helps them discover the best way of learning.  A person’s learning type can be acoustic, optical, verbal, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intropersonal.

The test is based on statistical research and the results are analyzed by Computer Academy.

It is based on a groundbreaking theory about the evaluation of cognitive skills.

The results are analyzed by certified pedagogue and Career Counsellor, Ms. Maria Karkania.