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The declaration of establishment

The Objective

The BRITISH HELLENIC COLLEGE was established with the aim of creating a modern, private, educational organization in the field of higher education. Our goal is the establishment of a private university, when this is allowed by the Institution.

The general acknowledgement that higher education in Greece, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, does not live up to the expectations of young people and of society as a whole, led us to this decision, although we are fully aware of the enormous difficulties that the pursuit of such a goal entails.

We believe that the academic community and society in general will see such an initiative in a positive light, not only because of its direct results, but also because of the influence it might have, as far as the improvement of the educational system itself is concerned.

The main idea and the basis of our strategy is to try to establish and develop in Greece (of course with the appropriate adjustment) an educational system, which functions well and which will be successfully attended by thousands of Greek undergraduate and postgraduate students.

This system is the British educational system of tertiary education, which has been adopted by British Universities. They are completely autonomous and have developed without suffocating governmental control.

Our cooperation with a British Univeristy guarantees the quality of the studies offered in Greece and provides students with the opportunity to continue their studies in Great Britain or anywhere else in the world.


Our basic directions are:

i)                    The provision of a high level of education, accessible to all students who have both the ability and the desire to study.

ii)                  The assurance of continuous contact with the labour market both in Greece and in the EU.

iii)                Continual contact with European academic and research institutions.

iv)                Contribution to the scientific and technological development of Greece.

v)                  Collaboration with foreign educational institutions but at the same time maintaining close contact, in a creative way, with Greek tradition.

vi)                Development of international educational and scientific collaborations within the EU.

vii)              Opportunities to learn European languages and at the same time emphasis on the improvement of the Greek language.



The way and the means for the accomplishment of these objectives are:

²  The creation and maintenance of a number of lecturers, students and administrative staff, dedicated to the accomplishment of the common goals.

²  The selection of the most capable students who really want to study.

²  Provision of the necessary modern and operational background (material and technical: buildings, laboratories, libraries, etc).

²  For students to avoid losing even one hour of lectures, for any reason.

²  Continuous and regular attendance by the students.

²  Study based on the given bibliography and not only on the book per subject.

²  Compulsory work in the laboratories.

²  Encouragement to use the library

²  Continuous assessment of the progress of students and grades for each student during the entire year and not only at the end of each year.

²  Preparation for actual working conditions in the respective job areas.

²  Practice in researching and working out solutions to  simple and complicated problems, in each subject.